本網站提供的資料僅供參考。若閣下明白和接受如下事項,請點擊 “繼續”按鈕:


2.對鈣的攝入量,維他命-D攝入量,陽光之吸收量,運動水平和流質和水份的攝入量之日常需要因人而異,視乎性別, 體格和任何疾病或醫療狀況而定。本人會諮詢家庭醫生意見,以制定對 “鈣,維他命-D,陽光,運動和流質/水份” 之健康骨骼生活習慣之攝入/吸收量目標。

3. 本人了解攝入/吸收不足或過多的 “鈣,維他命-D,陽光,運動和流質/水份” 可對健康構成損害。

The information provided in this website is for reference only. By clicking the “Continue” button below, you (the viewer) understand and accept the followings:

1. The dietary calcium calculator is for reference only. A formal dietary intake evaluation by a professional dietitian is required for checking the actual dietary calcium intake.

2. The daily requirements on calcium intake, Vit-D intake, sunlight exposure, exercise levels and fluid and water intake vary between individuals according to body build, gender, and presence of any illness or medical conditions. I will consult my family doctor for my exact requirements in order to set the targets of my lifestyle for good bone health with respect to calcium, Vit-D, sunlight, exercise and fluid/water intake.

3. I understand both inadequate intake/exposure and excessive intake/exposure of calcium, Vit-D, sunlight, exercise and fluid/water can affect my health.